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Courtroom Graphics  

Results 1 - 10 of 12 found in "Courtroom Graphics":

1. Litigraphics, Inc.
Graphics and Internet services company specializing in meeting the needs of the legal community.

2. Exhibit Services
Specializes in demonstrative evidence and simplifies complex information for courtroom graphics, models, photography, and layout typesetting to make an effective impact on the jury.

3. Anvil Graphics
Graphics services for lawyers, including litigation graphics, presentation, print, video, and web.

4. Juris Corporation
Demonstrative evidence experts, providing computer animation, document management, retrieval, display, and more.

5. Graphic Witness, Inc.
Offers trial exhibit consulting and design, Netter medical illustrations and books, and anatomical models.

6. Truly Computer Graphics
Provides computer animated demonstrative evidence for attorneys and expert witnesses for use in the courtroom.

7. Animation Technologies
Provides accurate 3D animation and interactive multimedia production for legal, medical, and engineering applications.

8. Legal Arts Multimedia, LLC
Graphic design, illustration, computer animation and video productions for litigation.

9. BioStudio Visual Communications
Offers Ph.D. biologist and media educator designed courtroom animations and still graphics to help litigators explain biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.

10. Z-Axis Corporation
Legal presentaion company providing visual exhibits including animation and document presentation.
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